State Archive of Poznań

Documents of the Nowy Tomyśl District Council

Archiwum Państwowe w Poznaniu

Two files containing the documents of the Safety Department of the District Council of Nowy Tomyśl from 1938 are stored in the collections of the State Archive in Poznań. Together they make 602 pages. Thematically, they assembled the documents regarding the border protection, the border traffic, the stay in the frontier zone, the expulsion from the border security zone or other border incidents. To a huge extent, their content speaks about “the camp in Zbąszyń for the Jews and other Polish citizens deported from Germany”. The sheet of this sets constitute a record of contacts between the Jews deported from the German Reich and imprisoned in Zbąszyń during the so-called “Polenaktion” and the local authorities of the Republic of Poland.

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